Grants & Awards

Many thanks to our funding partners

International Sport and Excercise Medicine Fellowship

Grant: Breg, Inc

ACTIVE for Health Community Symposium

Grant: CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grant

Physical Activity Curriculum for Education National Strategy on Medical Education

Grant: Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine Funding

Hang up your cleats and hope for the best? A cross-sectional study investigating retired elite female rugby players’ health

Grant: World Rugby Funding

Contraception choice for female endurance athletes: what's sport got to do with it?

Grant: Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry – Schulich Research Opportunities Program

Novel uses of technology for individuals with mild to moderate hip or knee osteoarthritis: the technology, exercise programming, and activity prescription for enhanced mobility (TEAM) study.

Grant: Lawson Internal Research Fund

Novel uses of technology for individuals with mild to moderate hip or knee osteoarthritis: the technology, exercise programming, and activity prescription for enhanced mobility (TEAM) study.

Grant: Western Strategic Support for CIHR Success Seed Fund

Novel uses of technology for individuals with mild to moderate hip or knee osteoarthritis: the technology, exercise programming, and activity prescription for enhanced mobility (TEAM) study.

Grant:  Innovation Fund

Western Research Hub for Physical Activity and Health

Grant: Western Research Interdisciplinary Development Initiatives – Emerging Teams and Established Teams

Beyond the Medals: A cross-sectional study investigating retired high performance female athletes’ health.

Grant: Researcher/Practitioner Match Grant

Joint Management: An Online Web-Based Platform for Individuals with Mild to Moderate Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis.

Grant: Seed Grant

Joint Management: An Online Web-Based Platform for Individuals with Mild to Moderate Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis.

Grant:  Pilot Grant

Primary Care Masterclass in Sport and Exercise Medicine and Musculoskeletal Health

Grant: Citywide Department of Family Medicine and Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic

Assessing the use of a cadaveric workshop to teach ultrasound guided musculoskeletal injections.

Grant: Chair’s Research Support Funds